Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas has come and gone so fast. We always enjoy having the kids out of school and just hanging out with them. We played games, watched movies, made goodies for friends and neighbors, but most of all we had some quality time as a family.
We went to see the lights at the Denver Zoo, Burrr... it was cold!

Looking for Mr. Pickle... They looked HIGH...

and LOW...

After 25 min. of searching Terryn was the champ!!

Tris got a visit from Santa and the Tooth Fairy this year.

Christmas Eve dinner

Welcome to the Gun Show!!

11:00 the kids finally went to bed and Mom and Dad started wrapping. 5:30 we finished placing the last present by the tree and then we passed out.

We woke up to the sound of pitter-patter and giggles at 6:30. Santa filled the kids slippers with goodies and left their presents by their door, so we talked them into letting us sleep for 30 more min. Thanks kids!!!

Ty was so excited.

What a crazy bunch!!

Terryn checking out her I-Pod touch

Tav being a goof..

Tris finally got his own PSP.

We don't call 911 !!!

Tavin had to posed by all his presents, what a cutie.

Juicy, Juicy, Juicy...

Tris got a Pro Wheelie. I don't have to come running
to the TV anymore to see what he wants.

I hope the DS will keep him busy for a while.
Cool jacket dude!